Thursday, October 30, 2008

Update before the math headache begins!
Today we had Geography, woooow did a lot of *closes one eye*
..of that, cause I personally don't care about Geo.
What a waste of time, pfsh.

Then, the other papers that I actually did study for, umm well. It was okay :)
Gonna go practice math soon, the jamming begins..Garh
And after Math, last KH paper on Monday.
Gonna slack a tiinnnnyyyy bit on Friday. :P
Cause come on, I mean its KH, I know I won't get good in that area..
SO why bother trying so hard? Hahaha
You and I both know that our ambitions or choice of careers would be err,
a carpenter or something, or knitting and crap.
Those are hobbies ! Why should we learn, and our cookings already good!
Okay, okay..Mines not.
:P but yes, do you see what I see, people?
I hate our syllabus.
till then, Friday as in tomorrow :P

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