Sunday, June 7, 2009

He's Just Not That Into You.

I just watched this movie with my sister and obviously I only comment on the shows that I really enjoy. Well, this is one of the ones I love most. Like remember when I commented on Twilight? Maan, I was soo obsessed. Well, now I'm obsessed about He's Just Not That Into You.
Yes, I am outdated.
This movie came out in the cinema a long time ago but as I recall, I was too busy on my exam preparation to even watch this. But I strongly recommend this movie. The second high recommendation in my blog. Well, not many of you trust my taste I reckon so I have to ask all of you to see for yourselves. Guys out there, this isn't you movie. Girls, you'll love this. Don't you? I'm probably the lastest one to watch it. My sister and I teared up. Man, such suckers, but it was soo sweet. Really.
Omg, I'm saying all these things and I'm not even sure you guys believe me!
Watch yourselves!!:P

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