Sunday, March 8, 2009

Buddy !

It's been long since I've updated my blog, right?
So now, I will update on the latest happening in my not-so-happening-life.
Anyways, on Friday.. Sarah and I were really bored so we decided to meet up at Gurney.
We went there only for a short while though.

Lunch at Coffee Bean.

Then, went to her house after, was reading blogs and vaining the whole day though.
Put two lifeless people together, they oughtta do lifeless things too, just like us.
..vaining on the webcam :)

vain on webcam! heh.

While waiting for my parents to come.
Our solo pics, Nah Sarah!
Then, went to Queensbay for dinner and shopping with parents!
Sister is in KL, coming back today ( Monday ) weee*
Bought a top, no pics though, do you expect me to vain with my parents?
I don't think so :P Heh.
Did vain a little with my mom though but she claims she looks ugly.. Parents, vain..
Came home to the love of my life! Zoeyyyyy ( my dog ) *below*

I love Disney movies sooooo much! Hercules, Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty..
I know I'm gay la shuttup :P
watched Sleeping Beauty with mom! Hahaha*
Only half the movie though :(
Came home late, I even set an alarm but it rang while I was at Queens.
More updates soon, later probably.

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