Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
I just don't understand how I got motivated last time.
Soo, I had a small hangout with my best buddies as usual. *LDBFFL :)
In the morning..
Janice arrived to my house, then Wendy and Shannon arrived as well.
NICE TOP, SHAN! HEEE *inside joke*
So, we went to Gurney to meet up with the rest, our first stop was Chillis, Chilis or however you spell that diner. LOL
Well, I don't quite enjoy the food there but whatever, I wasn't very hungry as I can remember..
So, we ate mash potatoes, spaghetti which tasted like tomatoes and water (sorry I'm a little disgusting and tend to make people gag LOL) and uhh. some other stuff, chicken crispers and stuff.
Yeisha, Ivy and Erica later arrived.
We had loads of fun girly talk like we always do, since primary school.
Sadly a few couldn't attend, Nicole Ooi, Denise, Fen.. Haha. We miss you guys!
Erica however did not make any eye contact and was just plain SLEEPY. GRR* HAHA.

My best friend slash wife JANICE!
We later headed to Toys R Us.
Toys R Us was crazy fun. We got stopped heaps by those cashier people like EYYY, STOP THAT YOOO. LOL.

Then we hung out, and then checked in the hotel after that. WE SAT IN THE BOOT OF THE CAR DUE TO LACK OF SPACE! But it was all good fun :)

Then, my mom picked us up, we went back to my house to eat dinner.

They bought me a cake which I never got to see, it's at Thanawat's place.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Another year? LIKE WHAAAT
It seems just yesterday I celebrated my birthday, I could remember exactly what happened, where, and well, especially the sweetest moments that matter most, to me of course.
It was well spent with my family last year, could not plan a party, exam was super near!
Especially the fact that it was spent with my dear family.

Saturday, September 19, 2009
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Friday, July 3, 2009
Random thought, and a lesson from church
Thursday, July 2, 2009
I've never been a fan of Michael Jackson really.
Until he passed on, he began to be appreciated more by many.
I actually youtube-d some of his videos, and boy is he amazing !
Well, I'm not to say a fan but hey MJ is quite a talent there ;)
Do check out his Billy Jean performance. His signature moves are so original.
He will be remembered, now and forever.
May Jesus bless you.
1958 - 2009
my blog is currently a complete bore.
Even I can fall asleep looking at it..
It's truly sad that I can't go on the computer much.
I do have things to update on, probably neglect them even after my exams.
There's just too much to update.
Well, it's four fifteen in the morning, I have to get up early tomorrow.
Exams less than a weeks time.
I'm pressured.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Monday, June 8, 2009
Think before you buy, Nicole LOL
Sunday, June 7, 2009

I just watched this movie with my sister and obviously I only comment on the shows that I really enjoy. Well, this is one of the ones I love most. Like remember when I commented on Twilight? Maan, I was soo obsessed. Well, now I'm obsessed about He's Just Not That Into You.
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Today was rather boring day! Well, it was okay.. I guess. As I mentioned before earlier that my cousins were coming down to Penang right? Yeah my cousins have left. Well one family has. There's still one family. Anyway, I know normally people do not read these kind of posts.Pictureless days. But yeah, the main reason I blog is for memories. I wouldn't like go restart and make a new blog etc.. I mean what's the point? All the good memories, well.. Both good and bad moments are here. Never forgotten! I make sense..right?
I've got a question;
Why don't we know what we want sometimes?
it's soo fustrating and confusing!
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Lessons learnt.
Monday, June 1, 2009
Random Thoughts..
Sooo random, I decided to make a new header!
I think it's pretty! Hahah, perasan..
Ahh, the usuals.
My mom's side of the family came down, a lot of people are staying at my place.
I think my sister and I have temporarily give our rooms to them, for the holiday?
Haha, well not ALL the days of the holiday.
Anyway, enjoy my new and improved 'lively' blog -_-
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Saturday, May 30, 2009
I know what you're thinking, finally..Some real posts.
Yes, a lot of people have been asking me to update.
" why your blog now so boring one "
FINEE, I'm back!! :D
Anyway, on Friday, it was Teachers' Day.
I didn't want to attend but was forced to, oh well, had to pass up KH folios.
Soo, wanted to see my best friends too on the plus side.
And Janice wanted two story books BADLY.
Haha, she's weird.
FIRST, we had to go to the hall to attend the boring assembly.
I enjoyed the presentation though, some were funny.
Got to see some funny teachers.. Kinda funny.
Most of the performances were Indian dances?
Oh yes, I cheered for Marina & Wendy's performance on " I Turn To You ".. Awesome job ;)
After that, we went for the, watching of sports?? Hahahaha.
Janice bids you good morning! Hahah
Erica says PISS OFF NICOLE. Whatt..:(
And she's all mysterious and all.. Yorr, YORR. HAHA
And she's just..thinking..again, after wishing you people good morning.
Wow wow, nerdy me.
KH, on Teachers' Day. WHAT?!
After that, the lovely Pn. Jen (p.s/note the sarcasm) called us up to hantar our folios.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Best friends, God's gift to us all..
Sometimes I think to myself, will all of us be best friends forever?
But...every doubt of mine will be gone when I'm with them.
Near or far, no matter if we drift apart..;
Things will still be the same, well..Not exactly.
But, we would love each other the same.
This is just a special thank you.
To all my best buddies, I love you guys to the bitsiest bits!:)
My LDBFFL(Shannon,Li Fen,Wendy,Janice,Ivy,Danielle,Yeisha,Marina,Erica) We miss yuhh Cindy Denise and Nicole Ooi!!, Asschovies(Eesa, Renee), Jasmine. :)
Family; Tania ( sister ) Tashieee ( cousin )
Always and forever.
Monday, May 25, 2009
Monday, May 4, 2009
I will be back.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Just when I had gotten the free time to update my blog, and the mood,
my camera runs out of battery.
Hooray to no pictures.
Meh, maybe on Saturday then
I actually HATE cats.
If not tons, still, quite a truckload of hate.
BUT, when I went to London to visit my family, they had a cat :) which I learned to love.
It should have felt special because, it was the first ever cat I held, or even got close to..
Haha, PEPPER, or PEPER ..I dont know but I miss it.

The night before we left :(

Hours before the airport :(

You're looking at me, I'm looking at youuu..

You're the gayest cat I've ever met :(
At least theres ONE cat I love.