Friday, September 26, 2008

Updates are going wayyyy slow..
Today is the start of the Raya Holidays.
I didn't lie when I said I must and must study.
Doesn't mean I can't have fun while I'm at it.;)
Anyways, I went out with my sis and deb to Moose to get my seaaamonkeys!
yayyyy sea monkeys.
I just bought sea monkeys, yes it might be the last era's collection but, its so cute.
I couldn't resist, used my own money and bought them cute stuffs.
loads of instructions, though..
I actually hate responsibility, to be frank but I'm willing to.. for a change;
When we got my dog ( Zoee ) my sis( Tania ) and I were forced to brush it everyday and stuff,
but but, I'm quite responsible *cough cough
Zoee's still living, and HEALTHY, thank you very much.
I've gotsta wait 24 hours before putting in the sea monkeys, though..
tomorrow, at exactly 5 pm, to be exact.
I'll be like breeding sea monkeys,man. God.
I am quite positive about getting sick of em', but they look like so much fun.
sea monkey owner =D

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