Tuesday, August 19, 2008

1 more day;
to what you may ask,
is fourteen :D
dear jasmine,
we love you and you know it. jnj & kg's <3
you're a best friend for life.
we might not share a lifetime of closeness but a lifetime of friendship in heart.
people say a girl's best friend are diamonds;
Jnj/Kg dont need no diamonds cause they got Jasmine!
Probably, people will think that this is just a 'what-everyone-gets-on-their-oh-so-ordinary-bday' message,
but no;
its something to show that our friendship is something no one can ever buy;
YES, you're a year wiser than what you were ( this one I'm just saying to flatter yourself )
Kidding, kidding, kidding.
Enjoy your birthday without your Penang Bitches you fool! :(
looking forward to Janice&Jasmine's belated when you're back =D
21 December babyyyyyyy!
good luck on the planning my two kg's ( you know what I mean )
oh yes, and we miss you Jasmine! Come back and party with us weeeeeeeeeee;
lastly, I know, I'm a day earlier but heres just for your reading pleasure.
plus I can't sleep.
cough cough happy birthday (:
Janice is wiser than you p.s 
I am the wisest amongs you three, kidding. XP

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