Sunday, December 21, 2008

Get into yo Christmas moody!

As promised, an update :)
Okay, first, we went to our grandparents' house for yeah, an overnight.
Sue's back too, so we pretty much wanted to catch up and stuff.

Don't ask me why I'm wearing it while watching tv. Its not cause I wanted a good picture or anything, its just pretty adorable(the hairband I mean)
It was actually for that charity Christmas party thing I said earlier in my previous boring posts..
Hey, at least an update with pictures now, okay!
Don't ask. =)
So, we went for dinner at Penang Club later in the evening since our whole family had some old peoples dinner.Just the two of us, on a date.. HAHA

We went down to the beach after..
gym and sauna.. HAHA!
So stupid of us, who goes to the gym and sauna randomly unprepared after dinner? Everything about that sentence is wrong man..
We wanted to check it out anyways!

NO! It isn't only for kids =( in other words, its for kids.
Went home after..

Had midnight chats, woke up at about 3am, went down to watch some tv, and then woke up at 8.
Tash went to watch some more tv after that while I went back to sleep.
HAHA, can't blame me, I hardly had any rest.
We (Eesa, Tash, Renee{couldn't make it, sadly} and I) were asked to do face paintings for people, so why not?
They asked us to draw our own faces to attract people, PFSH.


Tash, Eesa and I..while painting our own faces. Heh
I got the red round nose, Tash got the kitten whiskers and Eesa got the..CUTE JAPANESE CHEEKS.
She was probably blushing heh..

Pretty Eesa! =) Me hearts youu.

The face painters taking a break.
Erm, its seriously stressing okay? Lol..

And then, the present giving time =)

this part was..SO FUNNY. *Lol!
Ey ey, Diana Saw, Cin Tao Hin, Kebala Busing. LMAO.
Eesa, Tash and I laughed like MAD.

We nominate you as best grandpa of our entire lives.

Watch movie then Tashie's place, end.
SEE, as promised, an update. =)

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